Friday 15 July 2016

Laundry Day

Today was a nothing kind of day for me. Felt a little out of sorts; tired and achy with a booming headache. Probably dehydrated as I'm the only sensible person in this family to lug water in my purse only to have Elowyn and Steven drink it on me, even though I tell them to bring their own! 

E would not get out of bed and come down for breaky, so I ate alone, then carried up a tray for her highness. She was grateful at least, so that's something.

As Steven worked from the hotel, I was the good German frau and learned to do laundry at a laundromat. Elowyn was not much help with the translation and she laughed as I flubbed the instructions. Ended up buying two cups of detergent when what I really wanted was to start the darn machine! Apparently, you don't put money directly into the machine. You go to a wall full of buttons, pay lord knows what as I just kept putting change in there and it would spit most of it back. Then you have to go back to the machine and select your water temp and push a start button. I figured out the dial later after furtively watching other more confident laundry masters. In frustration and a few under breath curses, I finally asked a German looking woman who helped sort us out. Whew!  Later, I knew I had conquered the laundry when I proudly showed some older German woman who looked puzzled how to do it too! 

We did two loads, one dark and one colour with a few whites as that's all the change I had. They don't take 20s and I had exchanged 4 of my fivers for a 20 from the woman who had helped me. Didn't realize till later that I needed those fives! Unfortunately, some of the whites of Steven now have a pink hue. He'll be sporting pink tube socks for the gym. Haha! Elowyn had a good laugh over that one. Then I didn't know whether the machine also dried the stuff. No button on machine stating it did, so I followed the herd and found dryers. Done in 15 min at 75 degrees. They go by exact degrees here.

Elowyn helped fold dry stuff in one side of luggage and we put the stuff that doesn't go into drier wet in a plastic bag on the other. Later, back at hotel I hung it up in closet as cleaning lady still there. She was from Italy and luckily I knew a few Italian words like aqua for water. Yes, we had a flood in bathroom from Elowyn taking a shower. Used up all six hand and bath towels to mop it up, maybe even the face cloths too. Don't know what the issue was, clogged drain or the fact that the shower door doesn't close properly, but there it is. Somehow, Steven says it's all fixed now.

With Steven we went to a convenience store and waited to have a SIM card put in our phone, but the Turks don't know English and our German is pathetic, and it was taking forever so I left to go get my tumeric pills at the Apoteka in the mall down the street and waited 20 min after in the mall on a bench, but they didn't show up and they had my phone, so I left for the hotel and ate the sandwich I had prepared at breakfast. They later came in and I asked E what happened and she said they went out for lunch. Sigh....

I've been napping and hopefully shedding the rest of this virus. No one seems really sympathetic, but I know what my body needs to get better and if I want to rest, then I'm resting. It's different if I was on vacation and had a limited time to see the city. I have a whole year, so I won't feel rushed.

E and S are out now for dinner. I'm not hungry and don't want to walk a lot any more. Maybe I'll catch some fireworks from the window later as the festival starts today on the Rhine.
That's all in a nutshell. Now, I'll watch the Midwife on Netflix and enjoy the silence... oh and the church bells since the church is right in front of our hotel window.

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